Sunday, April 28, 2013

What's the best golf school for high handicappers/beginners?

Q. Thinking of blowing next year's refund and bonus on a golf vacation. My lifetime best is 119; the Harmon school suggests low 2 digit handicap at worst. I live in the midwest, so San Diego ain't a great idea.

A. Get Lessons from Brian Manzella. His website is and he does lessons all over, but mostly in New Orleans, LA and Louisville, KY.

Go to his website, sign up (for free), and read his forums, look at his lessons in the forum archives, watch his free videos he has posted on youtube (his screen name on youtube is brianmanzella), and possibly buy some of his videos.

This guy is unreal as a teacher in his videos, I can only imagine how well he does in person. It is unbelievable to me how good he is and how few people have heard of him.

Golf Ball Feeling In Throat After Singing For 20 Minutes Straight?
Q. What was the cause and what is the cure? It'll go away with time a break, but I am afraid one day it could turn into a Nodule? D:

I was also wondering how I could prevent this feeling from coming up again. Don't sing for as long? Sing quieter? Am I even singing correctly? I am scared to ruin my voice! I am only 14 and love singing. Was going to get a YouTube channel going and I am actually, my friend and I, are pretty good. He's had coaching and I've learned from the internet.

So how can I avoid getting the feeling again?
If I am not singing correctly: How can I avoid getting a nodule?

A. Either you have not warmed up, are about to catch a cold, are overdoing your voice or have incorrect/unhealthy singing and/or breathing techniques in use.

The ONLY SAFE way to improve properly IS to take OFFLINE face-to-face singing lessons with a fully trained vocal teacher (in case you do not have a teacher yet)! The teacher HAS TO BE in the same room with you, so that he/she could give you proper feedback.

Please do NOT rely on any dodgy web tutorials because that way you can misunderstand things VERY EASILY and develop bad habits, hoarseness, vocal nodules and other nasties IN NO TIME, and even though you would sound good! It is always much wiser to invest a little bit of your money/time to face-to-face lessons rather than wasting the same amount of money (or even more!) to frequent ear-nose-throat specialist visits due to aforementioned problems, so please reconsider this. If you can't afford vocal lessons, then joining a choir is the only SAFE alternative option. And believe me, but even MANY of those who have music as their hobby DO take lessons as well!

Always remember to warm up your voice properly, but please know your limits and don't overdo your voice! Remember the diaphragmatic support, do not strain your throat too much! Also, remember good body posture!

Avoid fizzy drinks (burp danger), dairy products (mucus risk), caffeinated products (coffee & tea included, they dry up your throat) and spicy food (irritation risk)! You can consume these things, but NEVER before singing!

Do NOT shout, yell, scream nor otherwise abuse your voice AT ANY TIME! Also, please respect your vocal range; if your teacher says you are, say, more of an alto (baritone if you are male), then you ARE more of an alto (baritone). DO NOT try to imitate anyone famous, that will usually give you just bad habits and even damage your throat. You are YOU and your voice is unique, so please learn to cherish that.

Do NOT sing, whisper, shout, yell nor scream if having a sore throat/cold/flu, Also, do speak as little as you can if you have flu/cold/sore throat!

Remember to drink at least 2 litres of room-temperature still water every day, not just during singing days!

Avoid inhaling secondhand smoke!

To make sure it is not a vocal nodule, you need to go see an ear-nose-throat specialist who will be able to take a look into your throat.

can i make a living playing golf?
Q. I am 18 and I shoot in the high 80's on average when i play golf. I have been golfing since i was about 13 but ive only golfed about 30 times (not a full 18 holes). ive completely taught myself and have had no help except from youtube videos and watching golf on tv. I was wondering if i played at least 3 to 4 times a week and practiced a lot more could i make enough money to support a family from golf? Thanks and serious answers only please.

A. Can you make enough money to support a family from golf? Perhaps not as a PGA Tour player. But you have other options PGA Golf Instructor (only need to shoot around 80), Golf Course Management, design. Take a peek....

Golf Career College Programs
In as little as 16 months, you can turn your passion for golf into your dream golf career. College programs at the Golf Academy of America include classroom lessons, golf instruction, weekly tournaments, open play and a comprehensive driving range package for practice. Youâll graduate with a complete understanding of golf course management and operations.
Golf Complex Operations and Management
The Academy offers a two-academic-year associate degree program with an occupational objective of Golf Complex Operations and Management, with two areas of emphasis: Golf Professional and General Golf Management. Students may choose to have a dual emphasis or choose to specialize in one area only. Although an area of emphasis is chosen, students will have the opportunity to supplement the designated golf curriculum with elective courses each semester.
The Academy offers three semesters per calendar year with most students completing all requirements in 16 consecutive months. The schedule is comprised of classroom instruction, golf instruction, tournaments, open play, and practice. The curricula include open play and tournament rounds every week and a comprehensive driving range package for student practice.
Specifics About the Golf Academy of America Applied/Occupational Associate Degree Program
Major: Golf Complex Operations & Management
Areas of Emphasis: Golf Professional, General Management
Program Length: Two academic years (16 months)

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