Sunday, April 28, 2013

Question about the Parental Controls on the xbox?

Q. I recently set the timer on my son's xbox. He was playing it constantly, doing badly in school because he wasn't doing his homework, etc. Well today he went on youtube and found what my other son called a "glitch" and now can get onto the parental controls without needing a password. My question is, is there anyway to make it so these glitches that there are, don't work? I am so frustrated right now. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

A. Take the Xbox away for a week or so or until he starts doing his homework as soon as he gets home from school

What is a good parental control so my child cant get on to some sites?
Q. I dont want my children to be able to get on to porn sites or facebook and myspace. What is a good free parental control to down load to my computer? I use to have one but cleaned out my computer and forgot what is was. Thank you.

A. I have this Norton thing on my computer, I don't watch porn or anything lol my parents just don't trust me..I dont know why im only 13. but anyway, It blocks certain sites that you can choose off of (e.i facebook myspace youtube porn sites etc) and then if the child tries to access them it says "Oops! You are not allowed to visit this page" and then it will have options like "OOps i made a mistake, go back" or "List your reason on why you want to visit this site" I think its a good program, but not for a 13 year gets annoying. Hope I helped (:

How do I hack parental controls?
Q. I have parental controls on my laptop. Time restrictions and certain websites are blocked. Such as youtube and facebook. How do I take them off? My mom has a password on her account and she is the administrator. Please help!

A. Log in to the administrator account
go to the start button
set program access and defaults
look up the name of your account
change it from standard user to admin
then log out

hope this helps

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