Saturday, April 27, 2013

How to get youtube to reupload a video with the same stats?

Q. Stupid youtube took down my video that was almost at 50,0000 views. They said i was using a bug or bot or something. It got so many views because the guy i made it for shared it on a bunch of websites and stuff. It doesnt say thats illegal. How can i contact them and tell them to reup it.

Does vimeo do that?

A. You can only contact YouTube if you're a partner. They don't typically like to receive billions of emails a day so they don't have a direct contact. Unfortunately there is also no way to get your views back without slowly earning them again.

As for vimeo I'm sure they do the same thing.

Hope this helps.

How to download youtube videos in original high quality?
Q. I have uploaded many youtube videos and I also have downloaded many youtube videos. When I upload a video to youtube, it's quality gets compressed. Even if you press the HQ button and view the video, it is not as much quality as my original file.

So the same happens for all the uploaded video right? So, is there any way in which I can download other videos in original high quality?

Thanks in advance.

A. The best and most secure way to download from YouTube is by using Firefox.

If you don't have the Mozilla Firefox web browser yet, you can download and install it from here:

Once you have it, Google search "Download Helper" and install the Download Helper add-on into Firefox. Then go to Tools >> DownloadHelper >> Preferences in Firefox and adjust which file format you want the video converted to, the folder it will save videos to, etc.

After that's done, go to the YouTube video using Firefox, and you should see the DownloadHelper icon start animating on Firefox's toolbar. Click the drop-down arrow next to it and select the filename of the video.

Then Firefox will download, convert, and store the video in the folder you specified it to.

How do you keep youtube playing on a tablet when you are searching in another tab/window?
Q. Instead of using the youtube app on my galaxy tab, I prefer to use the internet and have youtube open in one tab as I browse through other tabs, however youtube stops playing once you select another tab. How can I make youtuge continuous play?

A. In a PC you can still play Youtube when you open a new tab. But in tab , you cant. Just download another web browser. Use a browser only for playing Youtube videos and use another browser for browsing internet...

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